Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 10-Year Anniversary PC Edition

Celebrate 10 years of GTA Vice City with the PC Anniversary Edition! Discover enhanced graphics, new content, and how to download.
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 10-Year Anniversary PC Edition

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 10-Year Anniversary PC Edition

GTA Vice City 10-Year Anniversary

Celebrate a decade of crime, chaos, and nostalgia with the Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 10-Year Anniversary PC Edition. This special edition brings enhanced graphics, improved controls, and exclusive content to one of the most beloved games in the GTA series. Whether you're a returning fan or a new player, Vice City has never looked or played better!

What’s New in the 10-Year Anniversary Edition?

The 10-Year Anniversary Edition of GTA Vice City includes several upgrades and new features:

  • 🎮 Enhanced Graphics: Enjoy updated textures, improved lighting, and higher resolutions for a modern gaming experience.
  • Improved Controls: Refined keyboard and mouse controls for smoother gameplay.
  • 🎵 Expanded Soundtrack: New tracks added to the iconic 80s-inspired radio stations.
  • 📜 Exclusive Content: Unlock new missions, vehicles, and weapons to explore in Vice City.
  • 🖥️ Optimized for PC: Runs seamlessly on modern hardware with support for higher frame rates.

⚠️ System Requirements

Before downloading, ensure your PC meets the following requirements:

  • OS: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit)
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 or equivalent
  • RAM: 4GB or more
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 660 or AMD Radeon HD 7870
  • Storage: 10GB of free space

How to Download and Install

Follow these steps to download and install GTA Vice City 10-Year Anniversary PC Edition:

  1. Download the Game: Use the link below to download the game files.
  2. Extract the Files: Use a tool like WinRAR or 7-Zip to extract the downloaded files.
  3. Run the Installer: Open the setup file and follow the on-screen instructions to install the game.
  4. Launch the Game: Once installed, launch the game from your desktop or start menu.

Download Your File

📢 Note:

To download the file, you need to have Telegram installed on your device. Click here to download Telegram if you don't have it already.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

❓ Is the 10-Year Anniversary Edition free?

No, this is a premium edition of the game. You can purchase it from official platforms like Steam or Rockstar Games.

❓ Can I play this edition on older PCs?

While the game is optimized for modern PCs, it may run on older systems with lower settings.

❓ Does it include multiplayer?

No, this edition focuses on the single-player campaign and does not include multiplayer modes.


This guide is for educational purposes only. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is a property of Rockstar Games. We do not distribute or host any game files. Please support the developers by purchasing the official version.

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